Health Resources

a woman sprays on bugspray

Under Attack: Return of the Mosquitoes

If you spend much time outdoors in the summer, you’ll probably agree that two of the most common sounds you hear are a little buzz in your ear followed by a SLAP! – usually on an arm or leg. Yes, summer also means mosquitoes and, depending on the year and where you live, they can be bad or worse than usual, but are hardly ever non-existent.

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a doctor advises a patient

It’s Time to Get [a] Physical

Regular health exams and screening tests can help identify problems before they start or in early stages, when chances for treatment and/or cure are better. This type of medical appointment goes by several names, including annual checkup, annual physical examination, routine physical examination, or just physical. The type of exam, as well as the need for various screening tests, depends on age, health and family history, and certain lifestyle choices (such as level of physical activity and whether you smoke).

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a doctor holds a green ribbon

Shout Out for Mental Health

Since 1949, Mental Health America and partnering organizations have led the initiative to observe Mental Health Month in May each year. This year marks the 70th year of this observance.

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A sick woman lies on the couch and pinches her nose

First Aid Handbook: Sinus Infections

Have you ever had a cold that just wouldn’t go away and seemed to last for weeks? Or have you ever woken up with a throbbing headache in your forehead or under your eyes? If so, you may have been experiencing “sinusitis” or a sinus infection. The -itis ending on a word, particularly in a medical context, refers to an inflammation or infection of that area or body part.

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A tired woman yawns at her computer

How Much Sleep Do YOU Need?

There used to be a vignette on Sesame Street called “Everybody Sleeps.” It featured many different types of animals and people of different ages – all sleeping. It’s true – everyone does sleep – but how much sleep do you really need? Does the need decrease with age?

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a group of women laugh together

Women's Health Through Every Age and Stage

“The foundation of good health is the same no matter your age!” Our last blog focused on simple ways everyone can improve their health, but now we focus on the health of women. For many women, taking care of themselves becomes an afterthought. They spend time and energy taking care of everyone and everything at every phase of life – children, spouses, parents, coworkers, even pets – everyone but themselves. Women need to be reminded of the need to also care for themselves.

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a stethoscope is on a keyboard

World Health Day, April 7

World Health Day is a global awareness day celebrated around the world on April 7th to draw attention to issues of major importance to global health each year. The date of April 7 coincides with the first World Health Assembly on April 7, 1948. WHO global health campaigns focus on some of the “biggies” facing individuals and nations around the world, including immunization, malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, mental health, creating safer cities’ food safety, and more.

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a diagnosis sheet has measles written

The Latest News About Measles

If you’ve heard about measles in the news recently, you’ve heard correctly. In a press release dated March 8, 2019 The Texas Department of State Health confirmed 11 measles cases in Texas so far this year. Seven counties documented one case each and Harris County (Houston metro area) has recorded four. For reference, a total of nine cases were confirmed in Texas in all of 2018 and only one in 2017.

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A woman coughs as she walks down the street

First Aid Handbook: Asthma

As we launch into spring, many people unfortunately find their desire to be outside more enjoying the warmer weather and longer daylight hours impeded by allergies and the possibility of an asthma attack. While the two are often talked about in the same context, they are not the same – although severe allergies my precipitate an asthma attack.

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