Health Resources

an injured runner clutches her knees

What to Do to Protect Your Child from Sports Injuries

Parents want to protect their children from harm as much as possible. Growing up is marked by rapid changes, high energy, and little minds that may not understand exactly how their bodies work. While some injuries in the years a child is growing up are inevitable, there are ways we can protect kids, especially in regards to playing sports.

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A girl sneezes in a field

When Allergies Become Too Much

Here in Texas, many of us suffer from seasonal allergies to a variety of grasses, weeds, trees, and other plants as well as a host of other triggers. Texas is one of the worst states for allergies, so if you’ve moved to Texas from other parts of the country, you may find yourself developing allergies even if you’ve never had them before. Some have said, “If it doesn’t grow here, it blows here!” Many doctors believe that allergens are so prevalent because we rarely experience a harsh winter with freezing temperatures. The Texas climate allows trees to pollinate year-round. Indoor allergens such as dust, pet dander, and mold, can also cause allergy symptoms.

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A doctor checks a woman's blood pressure with a device

First Aid Handbook: Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is considered one of the “vital signs” which indicate how well your body is functioning. Vital signs are an integral part of a health check-up or medical appointment and are usually measured every time you visit a doctor’s office or emergency room. Vital signs include blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

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A group of children run through a school hallway

Back to School Checklist

Did we say, “back to school”?! Those lazy, hazy days of summer are about to turn into school days again now that the calendar has been turned to August, even though the temperatures will feel like summer for a while longer. Here’s our checklist of things to do to make sure your kids – from preschool to college – are at their best and ready to learn this year.

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a woman drinks water in bed

The Dangers of Dehydration

Everyone loves spending more time outdoors in the summer whether you’re taking a vacation at the beach, spending a few hours at a nearby pool, or just enjoying the longer hours of daylight and a more relaxed schedule. Previous blogs have discussed potential concerns related to sun exposure and heat-related illness; this blog will discuss dehydration.

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an inflatable flamingo sits on the beach

Beach Safety Tips

A day at the beach is something many people look forward to about summer. It’s a great way to spend time together as a family for a few hours or several days. But, like many things, there can be a “down” side to spending time at the beach if you end up with a sunburn, jellyfish sting, water-born illness, or some other not-so-fun souvenir of your time. Being safe can prevent injuries and drowning.

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parents play with their child in a pool

The Truth Behind Dry Drowning

A story relating to “dry drowning” has permeated social media in recent weeks, for good reason. The story seems to be out of a parent’s worst nightmare. A child who swam a few days earlier dies suddenly with water in his lungs and some physicians refer to the incident as “dry drowning”. Many of the stories and articles continually shared about the incident contain misinformation. Integrity Urgent Care is here to help you separate fact from fiction. Medically, there is no such thing as dry drowning.

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A girl applies sunscreen to her arm

How to Pick the Right Sunscreen

Our last blog focused on the importance of staying safe during these summer days – or any days – when you’re out in the sun. Using sunscreen anytime you’re outside probably doesn’t even require a second thought, but this blog will discuss a few of the finer points of sunscreen use to help you choose the one(s) that’s right for you. Protection from the sun is important; skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US, with more than one million new cases reported each year.

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a woman puts sunscreen on her child's face

It’s not Worth the Risk: Use Sunscreen

The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are here and that means lots of time outdoors and lots of sun! This is NOT the time to get careless about sunscreen use. Sunburns don’t have to be a part of your summer if you take a few extra minutes to use sunscreen every time you’re going outside.

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A young girl is excited to play tennis

Does Your Child Need a School Physical?

Before you know it, your kids will be heading back to school! If your child is a student-athlete, they need a physical every year, even before they begin practicing. Make this process as convenient as possible by stopping by Integrity Urgent Care – no appointment is necessary! Normally $35, if you mention this article, you will receive a special discount on sports physicals through October 31st! Check with your local Integrity for more information and pricing!

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