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Opening Summer 2025

How to Not Spread Germs

Up close hands washing
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In a time when most of our conversations are steered around viruses and the way they are spread, we may feel there isn’t a lot we can do to avoid getting sick. However, there are a number of steps we can take to prevent catching any virus or spreading it to others.

Tips to Disinfect

We touch a number of surfaces throughout the day that can use the chance to be cleaned and disinfected. Using a cleaner or wipes that are labeled as disinfectant are important to use, but just as important is following the directions. Different products have different requirements for sanitation to take place. Areas to make sure you focus on are doorknobs, handles, countertops, electronic devices, and sponges. According to your sponge can be microwaved for one minute to help stop germs in their tracks.

Washing Your Hands

Hand washing is one of the top priorities we should focus on for preventing the spread of germs. There are a number of steps in the process to make sure as many harmful viruses and bacteria are washed down the sink instead of being spread from our hands to anything they touch. Imperative components are wetting your hands with running water, adding soap of any type, scrubbing all parts of your hand: palms, back of hands, between your fingers, and nails for at least 20 seconds, rinse all areas thoroughly, and dry them completely. The friction of rubbing your hands when washing, rinsing, and drying is just as important as the soap and water portion of the task. When hand washing is not an option, using an alcohol based sanitizer and following the directions will work until you can get to a sink.

Covering Your Mouth

Particularly with some illnesses, sneezing, coughing, or other functions of our mouth easily spread droplets and other carriers of germs and viruses. It is vital we adequately cover our mouth, when possible with something other than our hand. Many suggest fully covering the mouth and nose with the crook of your elbow. Others may cough or sneeze down into their shirt. If using your hand is your only or more comfortable option, immediately wash your hands. When using a tissue to cover your cough or sneeze or to blow your nose, reminds us to “[m]ake sure to throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands straight away.”

Social Distancing

While this recommendation is sometimes stronger than others, the principles make sense. If you are experiencing symptoms of any virus or have been exposed to a virus, you should avoid contact with others until you are no longer contagious or a carrier of the virus. By limiting physical contact, washing hands frequently, staying home as needed, and even taking seclusion measures in your own home depending on circumstances, you can reduce the risk of exposure to others. At home and at your office, take steps to sanitize and disinfect areas you have been in contact with, particularly washcloths and towels, frequently touched surfaces, dishes and utensils, and for children, toys.

If you do become sick or are experiencing symptoms of a virus or other illness, that’s where we step in. Our caring and trained medical staff is ready to help you treat your symptoms or illness. See us at one of our several locations from 8am to 8pm everyday of the week.

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