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Opening Summer 2025

FAQ: Flu Shots

A person receives a flu shot
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Our team at Integrity Urgent Care always stresses the importance of getting a flu shot. This year, getting your flu shot will be exceedingly important as it will help as we watch the changes in illnesses and their spread. This goes for COVID and other illnesses that emerge at this time of year. Understanding the importance of the community protecting themselves with a vaccine can be a step in the right direction.

Who should get a flu shot?

We recommend everyone get a flu shot, even children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with chronic health conditions. Those in specific industries with a lot of contact with others will be even better served by having a flu shot, like teachers, customer service facing, and those in healthcare.
There is a small number of people in the population who should not receive a flu shot, like those with certain allergies or with a history of a reaction to a vaccination, also those with asthma or weakened immune systems may have trouble. These individuals should call our offices or speak with their primary care physician to discuss their concerns.

Why is getting a flu shot even more crucial this year?

There are a number of reasons why the flu shot will be even more important for our population. First, with more people staying at home, the spread of COVID has diminished, but so has people’s willingness to see doctors for preventative medicine. We need to catch up on vaccinations in this case.

Second, by getting vaccinated, less people will get sick with the flu leading to less hospitalizations and less individuals with compromised lung and breathing issues. Patients with these issues have already faced a higher risk associated with COVID and avoiding the flu will help keep you healthier in the event you are exposed to both.

Are there any side effects of a flu shot? Can it give me the flu?

The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu, but, despite our best efforts, you may catch it anyways. It takes two weeks for the flu vaccine to produce full effectiveness in your body, so you may catch it if exposed during that time. Also, with several strains of flu being a possibility each year, sometimes the flu strain in the vaccine may not match up with what you have come in contact with.

Some people will experience muscle aches and a small fever after receiving the flu shot. This can be the antibodies in your system learning how to fully protect your body. Other people may be having these symptoms, but could have a cold or some other virus, which seems like the flu.

Who can get a flu shot at Integrity?

Anyone! Almost. In fact, children and the elderly, who can be more susceptible to complications associated with the flu can receive their vaccinations at our clinic. The CDC recommends everyone over the age of 6 months get a flu shot unless there are serious complications with prior vaccinations. If you have concerns from a year past, let us know.

How much is a flu shot?

Integrity is committed to providing quality health care at reasonable rates. A flu shot is $25 and we accept a number of different payment methods.

Does Integrity accept insurance?

We will run a flu shot through insurance if you let us know ahead of time. Additionally, we accept a number of insurance carriers. Even without insurance or with a higher co-pay, our cost is low enough for most families to have the protection they need.

When is Integrity open?

We are open seven days a week, from 8am to 8pm, for flu shots and to cover many other medical issues you or your family may face. In addition to flu shots, we can run multiple tests, perform x-rays, prescribe treatment, and get you back on your way.

To schedule your flu shot, contact us. Our locations around Texas are ready to serve you, for vaccinations, basic health care, or other issues that arise. To set your appointment, call us, walk in, or check in online, today.

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