Health Resources

A doctor prepares a syringe

First Aid Handbook: Steroid Shots

Medical professionals have a vast array of skills, techniques, and solutions to help the patients that walk through our clinic doors. Sometimes it is a puzzle to discover what is wrong with our patient and what the best treatment may be. Other times, we discover a new or better way to utilize and existing treatment in a new way. As we offer treatment plans, we may suggest giving you a steroid shot, depending on your needs.

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a person receives a flu shot

When You Should Get a Flu Shot

​​​​​​​While a good portion of the news is focusing in on COVID Vaccines, there is another vaccine our team at Integrity Urgent Care wants to put on your mind as well. The flu shot is important for a number of reasons. There are a few factors that go into determining the best time to get yours.

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A woman holds a breast cancer ribbon

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Types

Breast Cancer, like other cancers, occurs when mutations develop in cell growth and replication. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide with 12% of new cases designated as breast cancer each year. For a woman with a sister, mother, or daughter who has had breast cancer, the chances of her developing the same doubles.

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A little girl blows her nose

First Aid Handbook: Fall Allergies

While spring allergies gets most of the press, many are no stranger to fall allergies, especially as we wonder if every sniff, cough, and sore throat is a sign of allergies or something else. Fall and winter allergies arise with heaters being kicked on, changes in the plants outside, and more time being spent inside causing more exposure to mites, dust, and pets. Integrity Urgent Care is here to help you with your fall allergies and any other issues that may pop up for you and your family.

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Closer up of a doctor's lapel which features a breast cancer ribbon

Detecting Early Signs of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our team at Integrity Urgent Care knows that many in each of our communities have been impacted by breast cancer, either themselves, a family member, or friend. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, the risk of a woman developing breast cancer in the United States is 13%, making it common for it to impact us in some way. Detecting early signs of breast cancer is vital for treatment and best outcomes.

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A person wraps their cut finger with a band aid

First Aid Handbook: Lacerations

We all get lacerations at one time or another. In fact, lacerations may be one of the most common injuries in the world. While we may not recommend coming in for a paper cut that feels like a bigger issue than it is, if you cut yourself while preparing your next big feast or have a hole in your foot where you stepped on that rusty nail you meant to avoid, Integrity Urgent Care is open to help you clean and treat your lacerations and other wounds.

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A doctor holds a pill bottle in front of a patient

First Aid Handbook: STDs

Integrity Urgent Care sees all issues and concerns walking through the doors of their locations throughout Texas. Our primary concern is to help our patients and community live their healthiest lives. Sometimes that means treating different issues, like sexually transmitted diseases, that can be awkward or difficult to discuss. By coming in if you have questions and being open and honest with our medical team, we can help you be the healthiest version of yourself.

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a woman looks at a positive pregnancy test

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

We all know the Hollywood signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Basically, if a female between the age of 15 and 50 throws up or feels nauseous, then they are pregnant. Real life is a bit different though and you may be wondering if you need to take an at home pregnancy test or not. Integrity Urgent Care has a few recommendations for when to take one and when to come see our medical team.

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Two children play in a pool

First Aid Handbook: Swimmer’s Ear

In simplest terms, swimmer’s ear is an ear infection of the outer ear canal. When water comes into the ear, it can pool in the ear canal and around the eardrum, leading to the growth of bacteria. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are three different stages of symptoms.

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a telehealth symbol

Our Current Response to COVID-19 (Updated August 25th)

Our doctors, nurses, and staff entered the medical field to help people, both those in our community and any others who reach our clinic doors. As our communities navigate COVID-19, we continue to be ready to treat our patients and to provide accurate and up-to-date information about this virus.

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