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China Spring, TX

Opening Winter 2025!

Health Resources

A person squirts lotion on their dry hand

How Cold Weather Affects Your Health

What a winter it has been already! Our area of the country has recently seen extremely cold temperatures and multiple days of snow and ice. When the temperature drops, weather-related health problems start to rise. Read on for tips to fight back!

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A woman disinfects her countertop

Disinfecting the Home After a Sick Family Member

Has someone in your family recently had the flu or another illness? After he or she recovers, it’s important to disinfect your home. Flu viruses can live outside the body for 24 hours according to the CDC (although some sources say longer). Stomach viruses are especially resilient – some can live on hard surfaces for up to two weeks! Follow our 12-step plan to keep those germs from spreading to others.

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A doctor swabs a girls throat

Integrity Urgent Care First Aid Handbook – Strep Throat

Strep throat is an infection of the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pyrogenes that live in the nose and the throat. It is more likely to develop in people who have spent time in close contact with someone who has strep throat or a crowded place. It is most common in children and teens, but adults can also get it as well.

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a cartoon man has a flaming hole in his stomach

Tackling Holiday Heartburn

What is heartburn? Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. It results in a burning sensation in your upper belly, below your breastbone, or in your throat. It often follows the occurrence of acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus.

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santa has crashed his bicycle into a reindeer

The Not-So Happy Holidays

December should be a time full of happiness and cheer, but sometimes an illness or injury can lead to days that aren’t exactly “merry and bright”. Did you know that ALL the unhappy situations below can be handled at an urgent care clinic?

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A man kicks his feet back at an airport and there's a santa hat on his feet

Holiday Travel Safety Tips

In 2016, 103 million Americans (nearly one third of the population) traveled for the year-end holidays between December 23rd and January 2nd. Are you leaving town this holiday season? Be sure to stay safe with these tips!

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A woman sneezes on her couch

Integrity Urgent Care First Aid Handbook – The Flu

Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a group of viruses. It is usually relatively mild, but it can be severe and can rarely even lead to death. The flu is often mistaken for a cold, but is not the same thing. This guide will help you determine whether you or your child has the flu and when to seek medical attention.

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A tray containing a thanksgiving turkey and some vergetables

Avoid Food Poisoning this Thanksgiving!

The day after Thanksgiving is the second-busiest day of the year for urgent care clinics (the day after Christmas is the busiest). 47% more people than average come in with gastrointestinal issues, many of which could have been prevented with proper food handling and cooking. The turkey is often the culprit. Follow these tips to safely prepare your turkey this Thanksgiving.

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A girl is having her temperature checked in bed

Integrity Urgent Care Health Handbook – Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a virus (sometimes referred to as the coxsackievirus), that commonly affects children under the age of five. Occasionally, older children and adults can be affected as well. Although hand, foot, and mouth disease can be incredibly uncomfortable for your child, it is rarely serious, and complications are very rare. Because it is a virus, there is no cure, but treatment can help ease his or her symptoms.

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Kids go trick or treating

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

It’s almost Halloween! For kids (and some adults!), October 31st is easily one of the most exciting nights of the year. Keep everyone safe by following these tips! Only adults should carve pumpkins. If your children are younger, try decorating pumpkins with markers, glitter glue, stickers, or paint as a safer alternative to carving.

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