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Bonham, TX

Health Resources

A doctor checks a child's blood sugar level

Diabetes in Children

Diabetes feels like a fairly common condition in our population, due to a number of factors. Diabetes in children however, seems less discussed and less understood. While less than 1% of the population in the United States has diabetes, the number of youths with this condition is growing at a drastic rate, making it something that needs to be part of the conversation in families, medical offices, and educational settings.

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A baby chews on something

First Aid Handbook: Teething

Just as a new parent thinks they may be getting into a routine with their little one, little white spots start appearing on the baby’s gums, causing havoc and changing their routine completely. Experienced parents know these telltale signs of teething, but also know every child and every “batch” of teeth is different. How you and your child can work through teething will depend on a number of things.

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a family eats thanksgiving dinner

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

While the holiday season is stretching earlier and earlier into October and, for some, September, there is no denying that we are solidly entrenched in the bulk of holiday time. With the visits, shopping, and celebrating that takes place from now to the New Year, eating and drinking can be an extra element to make the time special. The holiday season also sees a marked potential for weight gain. With a plan and a few reminders, you can tackle holiday season and stay healthy, while enjoying your time.

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A man relaxes at an airport with a santa hat on his feet

How to Travel Safe this Holiday Season

Statistics usually show large increases in travel at certain times of the year, but COVID has changed all the numbers. While COVID still adjusts much of what we do, we know some families are making plans for trips in the coming months to have a little downtime or to see family who they have missed since the beginning of 2020. Whenever you travel and for whatever reason, Integrity Urgent Care has a few tips for travel safety.

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A doctor gives a woman a shot in the arm

Flu Shots During a Pandemic

The medical staff of Integrity Urgent Care always endorses getting your flu vaccination, at least for most of the population. This year, with so many changes in place due to COVID-19, we recommend getting your flu shot even more, as soon as possible. By protecting yourself against the flu, the next few months have a higher chance of going smoother in a number of ways.

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Fake pumpkins full of candy

6 Tips for Handling Halloween with Diabetes

Halloween marks the beginning of a challenging time for all of us to eat well and make healthy food choices. With extra treats, gatherings, and favorite candies up for grabs, it can be even more difficult for those with diabetes to manage their health. With a few tips and tricks, Halloween can be fun to celebrate for everyone.

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A woman is tired of her screaming baby

First Aid Handbook: Colic

As if learning how to care for a new baby wasn’t hard enough, with recovery on top of everything else, some babies develop extra issues for mom, dad, or other caretakers to worry about. When baby is crying, fussy, and cannot be comforted by anyone, most will label this as colic. While some babies do develop colic, not every fussy baby is colicky, but there are ways to find out and solutions to consider.

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A person receives a flu shot

FAQ: Flu Shots

Our team at Integrity Urgent Care always stresses the importance of getting a flu shot. This year, getting your flu shot will be exceedingly important as it will help as we watch the changes in illnesses and their spread. This goes for COVID and other illnesses that emerge at this time of year. Understanding the importance of the community protecting themselves with a vaccine can be a step in the right direction.

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a child is doubled over in pain

UTIs in Children: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

As painful as a urinary tract infection can be for an adult, imagine having to feel that discomfort as a child or to be a parent working to figure out why their child is in pain or showing symptoms of sickness. Many of you have probably been in that situation, seeing as 8% of girls and 2% of boys experience at least one UTI, according to Yale Medicine.

A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria from outside the body enters the bladder or urethra and causes irritation or infection. It is more common in girls than boys due to differences in their anatomy. Many of the characteristics of UTIs are similar in adults.

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A runner has fallen and clutches her knee in pain

How to Know When to Ice, Heat, or Wrap

Injuries, especially minor injuries, are common in youth and even more common in youth athletics. While mom or dad is watching from the sidelines, there is a fair amount of activity that induces cringes, just as often as cheers. When your athlete does get injured, how do you determine what steps to take next? While Integrity Urgent Care is available to help you with the medical care your athlete needs, there are basic guidelines you can use on the court, field, or other location.

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