Health Resources

A woman is tired of her screaming baby

First Aid Handbook: Colic

As if learning how to care for a new baby wasn’t hard enough, with recovery on top of everything else, some babies develop extra issues for mom, dad, or other caretakers to worry about. When baby is crying, fussy, and cannot be comforted by anyone, most will label this as colic. While some babies do develop colic, not every fussy baby is colicky, but there are ways to find out and solutions to consider.

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A person receives a flu shot

FAQ: Flu Shots

Our team at Integrity Urgent Care always stresses the importance of getting a flu shot. This year, getting your flu shot will be exceedingly important as it will help as we watch the changes in illnesses and their spread. This goes for COVID and other illnesses that emerge at this time of year. Understanding the importance of the community protecting themselves with a vaccine can be a step in the right direction.

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a child is doubled over in pain

UTIs in Children: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

As painful as a urinary tract infection can be for an adult, imagine having to feel that discomfort as a child or to be a parent working to figure out why their child is in pain or showing symptoms of sickness. Many of you have probably been in that situation, seeing as 8% of girls and 2% of boys experience at least one UTI, according to Yale Medicine.

A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria from outside the body enters the bladder or urethra and causes irritation or infection. It is more common in girls than boys due to differences in their anatomy. Many of the characteristics of UTIs are similar in adults.

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A runner has fallen and clutches her knee in pain

How to Know When to Ice, Heat, or Wrap

Injuries, especially minor injuries, are common in youth and even more common in youth athletics. While mom or dad is watching from the sidelines, there is a fair amount of activity that induces cringes, just as often as cheers. When your athlete does get injured, how do you determine what steps to take next? While Integrity Urgent Care is available to help you with the medical care your athlete needs, there are basic guidelines you can use on the court, field, or other location.

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a woman has stomach pain

UTIs in Adults: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

One of the most common infections faced by adults across the country is probably less talked about than it should be. Urinary Tract Infections, or UTIs, are prevalent, accounting for 8.1 million visits to healthcare providers each year, according to This infection, fortunately, is easy to diagnose, with a urinalysis, which means Integrity Urgent Care can help provide you with relief and care, right away.

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a person pours medicine into a small cup

Children’s Medicine Dosage

It can be difficult to know when to give you children medicine, especially since it seems inevitable that they get sick late at night or on the weekend when you aren’t sure how to reach your doctor’s office. When we want nothing more to see our kids feeling better, there are a few tips to helping them along with over the counter medication. We even have these medicine dosage magnets that you can stick on your fridge to help you remember!

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A child's school supplies sit on a table

How to Protect Your Kids Going Back to School

For some, back to school has already started and for others, back to school is on the horizon. For everyone, back to school is filled with extra decisions, concerns, and protocols as we help kids navigate different kinds of learning during COVID-19. Our team at Integrity Urgent Care wants to see kids staying healthy during their back to school time, no matter what year and no matter where they are learning. At the store, at the park, in classrooms, and in social settings, there are simple ways you can help protect your kids.

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A woman is doubled over in pain

Everything You Want to Know About Yeast Infections

Integrity Urgent Care is concerned about taking care of patients and all of their needs. While talking about sexual health and issues may sometimes feel taboo or uncomfortable, it is important to have a good understanding of all aspects of your health and to be able to speak with your medical care providers about any concerns you may have. A yeast infection can be a discomfort to anyone who has one and there are ways you can seek relief.

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A doctor prepares an injection for HPV

HPV: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Our staff gets a number of questions, from people of all generations, about HPV. It seems for all the buzz words out there about sexually transmitted concerns, vaccinations, cancer linkage, and risk factors, that there is less clarity than could be. Our job is to treat our patients, but also to inform our community to the best of our ability.

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a sick woman sits on her couch under a blanket

Allergies, Common Cold, or COVID

We are on the frontlines of helping our community learn about COVID-19 while also caring for other day-to-day needs. This is especially tricky when trying to determine if a patient is presenting with symptoms that may overlap a few different diagnoses. There are a few key differences with varying treatments you should know when thinking specifically about COVID-19, the common cold, and allergies.

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