15 Summer Activities for the Whole Family

a kid smiles in a pool floatie
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While we might all agree that we could pass on a lot of what COVID did to our world, one thing Integrity Urgent Care has cheered about is the increasing focus on family time, especially involving activities. With the summer here and a change of pace all around, you may be looking for new ideas to enjoy time with those you love. For families of all sizes and all ages, there are plenty of adventures to go on and memories to make.

1. Growing a garden. 

Whether you want to focus on a few herbs or try to tackle a large garden, growing in the summer is a great activity for the whole family. Older kids can help do research on where the best spot for sun might be depending on the plants you are wanting to grow, and younger kids are very skilled at digging in the dirt. An added bonus is kids may be more likely to try new foods or recipes if they have helped grow the food themselves.

2. Trying new recipes. 

While we are on the topic of food, summer can be the perfect time to try new recipes or go to a cooking class with the kids. By teaching your children how to chop, marinate, sauté, and bake, you are giving them skills they will need later in life.

3. Vacation at home. 

We tend to forget that there are plenty of sites in our own hometowns or within a couple hour’s drive that we can investigate. Explore a new museum, check out a historical home, or find local fairs, carnivals, and heritage sites that will teach you about the community you live in.

4. Get wet. 

You may choose to do something as big as going to the beach or the lake, but there are plenty of options for enjoying water as a family that can happen right at home. Put out a sprinkler and fill up water balloons. Race as a family down your slip and slide. Set up an obstacle course with miniature pools and see who gets the best time. Or wait for the next summer storm to blow through without lightening and splash in the rain.

5. Play games. 

Organize a large event in your neighborhood or other community to play kickball, soccer, or team game. For more family time, play board games at home. Consider trading with another family to test out a new board game you haven’t played before.

6. Read. 

Most local libraries have summer reading programs for kids and adults where you can earn prizes for reading. Some bookstores or other businesses may have similar events. You can read together as a family too, reading aloud from your favorite chapter book when you were their age.

7. Experiment. 

Either set up something yourself or buy a kit from an online or retail store to teach kids a little more about science. If you aren’t looking for something at home, children’s museums, libraries, and other community centers often have exhibits devoted to hands on learning about nature, chemistry, and physics at age-appropriate levels.

8. Movie time. 

Most families watch movies together here and there, but summer is a great time to make it extra special. Set up a blanket and pillow fort in the living room for a movie marathon or watch a movie with friends in the backyard under the stars.

9. Shopping. 

We encourage this from a different perspective. Take kids to local garage sales, flea markets, or craft shows to see what they can find that isn’t a typical item.

10. Repair projects. 

There are basics that kids can benefit from knowing at an early age in regard to repairs and tasks around the house. Use time this summer to teach them about caring for a car, checking certain safety features of the home, and how to do minor repairs.

11. Arts and crafts. 

This can look different depending on your family. Paint, chalk, pottery, beads, playdough, decorating cakes, sketching nature, building bird houses, the list can continue endlessly for ways you can be creative.

12. Explore. 

Go on walks with your kids to get energy out and to experience the great outdoors. Help them identify different types of birds you may see or collect wildflowers to press when you get home. If there is a lake or creek to walk near, you can teach them how to skip rocks or fish, depending on local ordinances.

13. Play sports. 

If you want to learn a new sport, try it this summer. While you could check out a local summer league, you can also learn together in your own backyard or at a local park. Shooting hoops, kicking a ball, or swinging a racket together will be a perfect way to spend summer.

14. Look up.

Spend time outside at night whether you are camping on your own lawn or driving a little further out to stargaze from the back of your truck. Take time to just enjoy seeing the stars.

15. Be a kid.

 Don’t be afraid to be a kid with them again. This time is fleeting, so take advantage of it. Climb trees together. Fly kites on a windy day. Race around the playground. Swing as high as you can. You will feel better for it too.

Our Integrity Urgent Care team knows you want to have a great summer with your family. By conquering a few of the suggestions on this list, you will be sure to have great memories to look back on. What’s more, being active in different ways makes your entire family healthier, mentally, and physically. In between all of this memory making, if you have other wellness needs, come see us.

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