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China Spring, TX

Opening Winter 2025!

Trigger Point Injections

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Integrity Urgent Care’s Bryan/College Station location now offers trigger point injections! Are you an athlete suffering from muscle tension or knots? Do you suffer from frequent tension headaches? Are tight muscles in your back causing you pain? Trigger point injections can bring you relief!

What are trigger point injections?
Trigger point injections are used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Often, these knots can be felt under the skin. Sometimes these trigger points can irritate the nerves around them, causing pain in other areas of the body. During a trigger point injection, a small needle is inserted into the trigger point. The injection contains a local anesthetic and a steroid. Injections take only a few minutes and several sites can be injected in the same visit.

How do they work?
Trigger point injections work in three ways. Simply inserting a needle into a swollen muscle helps alleviate the tension. The long or short-acting anesthetic used numbs the area so that massage and stretching can more effectively release the muscle knot. The steroid injected into the muscle works over the next day to dissipate inflammation and tension.  Often, a decrease in pain is almost immediate and within a day, the pain disappears completely.

How long are they effective?
Usually, the knot disappears and will not return. Patients experience long-term pain relief and increased range of motion, allowing them to resume normal activities.

Are they covered by insurance?
Yes, trigger point injections are covered under most insurance plans.

For more information or to schedule a trigger point injection at our Bryan/College Station location, contact us today at (979) 703-1832.

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