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Summertime First Aid: Essential Supplies for Your Vacation and Outdoor Adventures

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Minor injuries often increase in the summer when people travel, vacation, and spend more time doing outdoor activities. Fortunately, most injuries can be easily treated – especially if you have a well-stocked first-aid kit.

But what first aid supplies do you need?

Here are 13 essentials to keep in your first-aid kit so you’re always prepared for life’s unexpected bumps, cuts, and scrapes.

First-Aid Basics

Whether you buy a first-aid kit or put one together, make sure it has these essential items:

Antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizer – Before touching scrapes or cuts, use hand sanitizer or wipes that contain at least 60% alcohol to clean hands and kill germs.

Antiseptic – An antiseptic spray or wipe will clean dirt and germs from minor cuts and scrapes.  

Antibiotic cream or ointment – A topical cream or ointment helps prevent wound infections. Thoroughly clean the wound before applying an antibiotic cream like Neosporin, Polysporin, or Bacitracin.

Band-Aids – The Red Cross recommends 25 adhesive bandages in various sizes.

Sterile gauze pads – Have a few different sizes, and make sure they won’t stick to a wound.

Self-adhesive tape – Wrap up sore ankles, knees, or other injuries with self-adhesive tape, which doesn’t require pins.

Tweezers – Tweezers are essential tools for removing splinters and ticks. Stainless steel tweezers are the best option because they’re durable and easy to sterilize.

Hydrocortisone cream or ointment – Use to treat bug bites, rashes, poison ivy, and allergic skin reactions.

Instant cold pack – Disposable cold packs relieve bumps, sprains, bruises, and minor burns.

Scissors – A small pair of scissors will cut gauze, bandages, or open medication packages.

Medications – Include these essential medications:

  • Pain relievers – Acetaminophen or ibuprofen help ease pain. Include a children’s formula if you have kids.
  • Antihistamines – Medications like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) help with allergic reactions.
  • Aspirin – This can be lifesaving in cases of a suspected heart attack.

Customize Your First-Aid Kit for Summer

Depending on what activities you’ll be doing and how long you’ll be away from home, supplement the basic first-aid supplies with these additional summer essentials:

Sunscreen – Prevent a painful sunburn by keeping sunscreen in your first-aid kit.

Aloe vera gel – This plant-based remedy soothes sunburns and itchy skin.

Ear drops – When swimming or participating in water activities, use isopropyl alcohol or ear drops to prevent swimmer’s ear and ear infections.

Bug spray – Prevent mosquito bites and other insect stings.

Extra water – Keep extra water on hand to prevent dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Keep Your First-Aid Kit Up Current

Well-stocked first-aid kits are essential to reacting quickly to cuts, sunburns, bug bites, allergic reactions, or any other risks you may face this summer. Check the expiration dates on items and replenish them as needed.

Integrity Urgent Care Can Help

With these first aid essentials, you can travel, vacation, and enjoy outdoor activities this summer with peace of mind, knowing you’re prepared. If necessary, get medical help as soon as possible.

Need a doctor to examine a summertime injury? Integrity Urgent Care clinics, part of the Xpress Wellness family, treat a wide range of non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses that require immediate care. Walk into an Integrity Urgent Care clinic near you or save time by checking in online.

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