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China Spring, TX

Opening Winter 2025!

First Aid Handbook: STDs

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Integrity Urgent Care sees all issues and concerns walking through the doors of their locations throughout Texas. Our primary concern is to help our patients and community live their healthiest lives. Sometimes that means treating different issues, like sexually transmitted diseases, that can be awkward or difficult to discuss. By coming in if you have questions and being open and honest with our medical team, we can help you be the healthiest version of yourself.




Some STDs have no symptoms and can show up in otherwise healthy patients. Others may experience a range of symptoms from pain when urinating, lower abdominal pain, fever, discharge, sores or bumps on the genital area, or sore and swollen lymph nodes. According to the Mayo Clinic, these symptoms “may appear a few days after exposure, or it may take years before you have any noticeable problems, depending on the organism.”


Just like with the symptoms, the treatment varies greatly depending on the specific STD. Some STDs, like HIV have no specific treatment, but doctors can manage your symptoms and side effects. Other treatment plans involve antibiotics or antiviral drugs to help treat the infection or to suppress the issues that come with the infection. Some patients with STDs that aren’t completely curable, like HIV or syphilis can benefit from counseling to manage both their health issues and the emotional adjustments that come with such a diagnosis.

When to See a Doctor

The first sign you should come in to see us at Integrity Urgent Care is if you have been informed by a sexual partner that they have tested positive for any type of STD. If you believe you may have been exposed to HIV, come in for fast, safe, and non-judgmental testing right away. We can also test for all other STDs in our office, and we provide virtual visits as a consultation if you aren’t sure. Other signs you should see a doctor is if you are experiencing pain or discomfort while urinating or having sex, experiencing discharge, or any other symptom. Additionally, if you are not yet sexually active and are considering it or if you are considering a new partner, by coming in to speak to one of our staff, you can get informed and up to date on everything you need to know.


There are two major ways to prevent getting an STD. By using condoms, you can prevent many forms of STDs. This won’t help in certain forms of sexual intimacy. Prevention can also take place by having regular conversations with your partners to make sure you are being open about any risk they or you may pose to one another for transmitting STDs. If you have been diagnosed or informed of an STD in a partner, wait to be intimate until you can be cleared by a medical professional. Additionally, STDs do not always get transmitted by sexual contact. Sometimes they are transmitted through childbirth or blood transfusions. Informing your medical team of any concerns can lead to less of a risk of transmission.

If you suspect that you have or have been exposed to an STD, come see Integrity Urgent Care at one of our several locations. Our medical team is equipped to help you get the testing, diagnosis, and treatment plan you need. Walk-ins are available or, if you have questions, contact us, today.

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