My Clinic

China Spring, TX

Opening Winter 2025!

COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 & COVID-19 Antibody Testing

Integrity Urgent Care offers FDA approved COVID-19 and COVID-19 antibody testing at all of our urgent care locations. These tests are covered by most insurance plans and cash pay options are available. Learn more about COVID testing below.

Due to the high demand for COVID testing, COVID testing requires online check-in. Find a location to check for availability. Walk-in urgent care services are still available on a limited basis without an appointment.

Rapid tests are in limited quantity and may not be available at the time of your visit. Rapid tests are also reserved for
high-risk patients and are used at provider discretion.

PCR Test Rapid LAMP Test Rapid Antigen Test Antibody Test
Type of Test Nasal, throat, and nasopharyngeal options Nasal, throat, and nasopharyngeal options Nasal Swab Blood Test
Timeline for Results 3-5 Days 15-30 Minutes 15-30 Minutes 1-3 Days
Covered by Insurance In most cases, yes In most cases, yes In most cases, yes In most cases, yes
Cash Options*
Test with Visit** $180 $180 $180
Currently Available? Yes Check with Clinic for Availability Check with Clinic for Availability Yes

*Provider will determine if a visit is needed based on current symptoms
**Additional tests may increase the total cost of your visit

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few of the questions that we are frequently being asked about COVID-19 testing and COVID-19 antibody testing. Please review and if you have any questions about COVID-19 testing or what our clinics are doing to keep our patients and team members safe, contact us.

Antibody testing is a blood test that identifies if the patient has developed antibodies against the COVID-19 virus. If the test results show that the patient has antibodies, that would indicate that the patient has either previously had COVID or has been vaccinated. It could mean that the patient may have some immunity to COVID-19 and the COVID variants we are now seeing.

A COVID test will involve swabbing the inside of the patient’s nose with a skinny swab that is long enough to reach the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat, behind the nose. The process takes a few seconds.

To better understand the “accuracy” of COVID testing, it’s best to start with an understanding of the two main terms of sensitivity and specificity.

SENSITIVITY = If I have the disease will the test identify it?
SPECIFICITY = If I don’t have the disease will the test confirm it?

The antibody tests we perform at Integrity Urgent Care are pretty simple and the blood doesn’t lie. If the test is being done on patients that have not had symptoms for over 10 days, then the sensitivity is 95% and the specificity is 98% (very accurate).

The nasal swab PCR test is the current “gold standard” for diagnosing an active case of COVID-19. In a lab, it has a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96%. However, those numbers don’t always translate to patients. There are many variables to consider when collecting a nasal swab. Does the patient fight/resist the test? How much nasal drainage is happening at the exact time of the collection? Does the nurse go deep in the nasal passage to get the sample? Because of these variables, studies are currently showing that the national average for sensitivity (Do I have the disease?) actually ranges from 66%-80%.

The rapid COVID Antigen test has a high sensitivity but a lower specificity. Another words, if you get a positive test you likely have the disease, but if you have a negative test it does not rule out the disease. This is why the CDC recommends a negative COVID Antigen test should follow up with a COVID PCR test.

Integrity Urgent Care is working with the most accurate and FDA approved test on the market. There are not currently any 100% accurate tests available.  

The provider will collect one vial of blood and the sample will be sent to the lab.

The Rapid COVID Antigen test and the Rapid COVID LAMP test (Abbott ID Now) typically show results in 15-30 minutes.

Results for the antibody test are available between 24-72 hours.

The COVID PCR test typically takes between 24 hours and 4 days.

The Rapid COVID LAMP test (Abbott ID Now) is $180 and the Rapid COVID Antigen test is $180. If you have a negative Rapid Antigen test and you need to get a COVID PCR test you then you will be charged an additional $75. So for a Rapid Antigen AND a PCR test you would be charged $200.

We have two different tests available which include a nasal swab and a blood draw. In both instances, there may be minimal discomfort but most individuals find the process to be painless and without complications.
The COVID-19 test and COVID-19 antibody test can be performed on children, adults, and the elderly. For questions about your specific case, please call our office!
Check with your airline about what type of test they will accept. Most airlines are requiring a send out PCR test and this can take up to 4 days to get results (although most results can be obtained in about 36 hours). Please schedule your test in plenty of time to get your test results prior to flying.