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China Spring, TX

Opening Winter 2025!


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How Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke Are Interconnected: What You Need to Know

You’re at your routine check-up, and your healthcare provider tells you your blood pressure is high. What does that mean for your health? Should you be concerned? In 2022, heart disease and stroke took more lives in the United States than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. On a global scale, […]

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Cute pumpkins with google eyes

Halloween Doesn’t Have to be Scary for Parents of Diabetic Children

Halloween is an exciting time of the year for children. Costumes, candy, and cooler weather all come together to create a happy environment. However, Halloween is a difficult holiday to navigate for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. As a parent of a type 1 diabetic child I don’t restrict my child from candy,

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A doctor cuts a wart off a foot

First Aid Handbook: Warts

How can something as small as a wart provide so much shame and embarrassment for the person who has one? Warts seem to be one of those ailments that we whisper about and try to hide from one another as if they signify a larger issue at hand. Warts are fairly common, mostly harmless, and can often be treated fairly easily with our Integrity Urgent Care Clinic’s help, with the right knowledge available.

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A woman is doubled over in stomach pain

First Aid Handbook: Stomach Ulcers

In the past, it was thought that stomach ulcers were caused by the food we eat or the stress we feel in our lives. It is now known that stomach ulcers are either caused by the bacteria H. pylori or by long term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These cause sores in the stomach lining leaving you in extreme pain and discomfort and in need of help from your Integrity Urgent Care team.

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A woman scratches shingles on her arm

First Aid Handbook: Shingles

You may have heard about shingles. You also may think they might have something to do with chickenpox. Other than that, you may not be sure what it is. The Center for Disease Control states that one in every three adults will contract shingles at some point in their life. Integrity Urgent Care has all of the information you need on what shingles is and how you can protect yourself and your family from this virus.

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A child is covered in chicken pox

First Aid Handbook: Chickenpox

It used to be that everyone had chickenpox and could tell a story of how they caught it, how their parents tried to prevent them from scratching their sores, and the inevitable scars left from dealing with the virus. Today, that has largely changed, but chickenpox does occur from time to time. Integrity Urgent Care can help you know what to be on the lookout for, particularly when you have small children who may not be fully immunized yet.

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