My Clinic


Bonham, TX

Opening Winter 2025

Healthy Living

A tray containing a thanksgiving turkey and some vergetables

Avoid Food Poisoning this Thanksgiving!

The day after Thanksgiving is the second-busiest day of the year for urgent care clinics (the day after Christmas is the busiest). 47% more people than average come in with gastrointestinal issues, many of which could have been prevented with proper food handling and cooking. The turkey is often the culprit. Follow these tips to safely prepare your turkey this Thanksgiving.

Avoid Food Poisoning this Thanksgiving! Read More »

A floatation devices floats in a pool

Dry Drowning: Separating Fact from Fiction

A story relating to “dry drowning” has permeated social media in the recent weeks, for good reason. The story seems to be out of a parent’s worst nightmare. A child who swam a few days earlier dies suddenly with water in his lungs and some physicians refer to the incident as “dry drowning”.  Many of the stories and articles continually shared about the incident contain misinformation. Continue reading to separate  fact from fiction.

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