Healthy Living

A tired woman yawns at her computer

How Much Sleep Do YOU Need?

There used to be a vignette on Sesame Street called “Everybody Sleeps.” It featured many different types of animals and people of different ages – all sleeping. It’s true – everyone does sleep – but how much sleep do you really need? Does the need decrease with age?

a group of women laugh together

Women's Health Through Every Age and Stage

“The foundation of good health is the same no matter your age!” Our last blog focused on simple ways everyone can improve their health, but now we focus on the health of women. For many women, taking care of themselves becomes an afterthought. They spend time and energy taking care of everyone and everything at every phase of life – children, spouses, parents, coworkers, even pets – everyone but themselves. Women need to be reminded of the need to also care for themselves.

a stethoscope is on a keyboard

World Health Day, April 7

World Health Day is a global awareness day celebrated around the world on April 7th to draw attention to issues of major importance to global health each year. The date of April 7 coincides with the first World Health Assembly on April 7, 1948. WHO global health campaigns focus on some of the “biggies” facing individuals and nations around the world, including immunization, malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, mental health, creating safer cities’ food safety, and more.

someone has written spring break in the sand on a beach

Spring Break Safety Tips

Spring is coming! Or at least we thought it was until this recent return to frigid temperatures. Trees are blooming or budding, the bluebonnets are trying to bloom, and college students, kids and parents alike are anticipating a break from school and the daily routine during spring break. But spring break can also be the season for injuries, blistering sunburns and complications from chronic illnesses that can land you in the ER.

A doctor talks on his phone

Healthcare and Voice Command

“Alexa.” “Hey Google.” “Siri?” If you’ve uttered these words, you’ve used voice command technology. We’ve moved beyond the availability of information at the touch of your fingertips, to availability using the sound of your voice. What are the implications of voice command technology for healthcare? Voice command assistants have the potential to revolutionize patient care – both at home and in inpatient settings – by increasing efficiency and allowing for easier access to medical information.

a stethoscope rests on a calendar

Show Your Heart Some Love: The Truth About Heart Disease

It’s February, and hearts are everywhere urging you to spread the love! But we’re not talking only about the feelings of love between families, friends, and the special “someone” we celebrate on Valentine’s Day. February is also American Heart Month, a national observance sponsored by the American Heart Association to promote awareness about heart disease and steps people can take to prevent it.

A stethoscope with a heart sits next to various fruits and vegetables

Diet Trends for 2019: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Along with resolutions for the New Year come predictions on trends for everything from fashion to home furnishings to relationships to food and diet. In 2018 we saw trends like kombucha, veganism, and Latin American cuisine. At the beginning of 2019, virtually every facet of the food and beverage industry “weighs in” on what the year’s hot trends will be. While some of these trends seem to be little more than a wild guess, there is some agreement on what will make the in-list. But remember, food forecasting is in no way an exact science.

2019 is written on a sunset

How to ACTUALLY Tackle Your New Year's Resolutions

Once Christmas Day has passed, many of us turn our thoughts to the new year and fresh starts. Whether you usually make resolutions for the New Year or not, here are a few ideas that may inspire you to think differently about them for the upcoming year. Setting goals and recognizing milestones helps us to view life mindfully, rather than just reacting to the “tyranny of the urgent” every day.